Friday, May 12, 2006
A Ruling Has Been Made
The OC Disorder
The domain name,, has been secured by me--the supreme chancellor. For now, the URL forwards you to HFT.
My birthday is December 6th
This is probably the most awesome thing I've seen on the internet in a long time. Well, next to the teddy bear gun.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Remember my craigslist post about missed connections?

This guy replied to this fake missed connections ad I made for Damon, asking me what I was wearing. I'm never posting an ad anywhere ever again. Although, I'm kind of tempted to reply to his response and tell him to meet me somewhere and (of course) not show up. My heart is not cold and black though so I'll just sit back and laugh at yet another creepy experience I've had.
[UPDATE: I just recieved a new email from him REPLYING AGAIN, asking me why I am ignoring him. I had to break the news to him that I created that ad for my boyfriend (for lols). Dear creepy guy who was apparently as Mario's the same night we were, please stop emailing me.]
Attention! Important News...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Something Interesting About Dolphins!

Aside from having a lot of sex, they also apparenly name themselves.
Why I'm so fascinated by this, I don't know. I don't even particularly like dolphins...with their wet, rubberband-like skin (shudder). I guess it just pleases me to know that drunken monkeys aren't the only species that closely resemble my own.
Anybody Need a Car?
Last Call for Alcohol
I'm not going to post the whole article because that would defeat the purpose of posting the link, but allow me to show you some of my favorite quotes:
"It was not unusual to see some of the monkeys stumble and fall, sway, and vomit," Chen added. "In a few of our heavy drinkers, they would drink until they fell asleep."
"Like humans, monkeys are more likely to drink after stressful periods, such as soon after the daily 8-5 testing hours and after a long week of testing," said Chen.
Call me stupid, but I'm not entirely clear on why this needed to be studied.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Beauty of Equations
I was walking home from class today when a memory from the play Picasso at the Lapin Agile drifted into thoughts. The play focuses on the chance meeting of Picasso and Einstein in a French bar. The memory that caught my attention was of a scene in that play. Picasso and Einstein are told to “draw” like in a spaghetti western; however, instead of guns blazing, they eagerly begin to scribble down on pieces of paper. As you may have guessed Picasso made a sketch and Einstein wrote down an equation. Picasso then says to Einstein “that’s not art; it’s just a bunch of numbers.”
People don’t seem to appreciate equations the same way they might a painting or sculpture. In my opinion an elegant equation is much more beautiful than any work of art. Equations represent the toiling of several generations of great minds. An artist may spend years perfecting their technique or finishing a masterpiece, but scientists spend hundreds of years fine tuning a single variable. When decades and decades of data can be phrased in a simple equation it is a thing of beauty.
Just today in cosmology the professor was going over the thermal history of the universe. You may say to yourself *yawn* but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I imagined electrons and positrons colliding endlessly in huge plasma. Particles clumping together into cosmic cookie dough and being smeared out by gravity into galaxies. All these things can be inferred by simple equations that stretch a single line.
An artist is measured by how effectively/ originally he depicts a scene, an emotion, a thought, etc. He is only as precise as his oils and canvas. A scientist with a simple equation can perfectly describe the workings of the universe. What brush stroke can compare with that.
The Downward Spiral
Now they're picking up kids with moderate to severe autism!
/here come the obligatory "Why do you hate America, why don't you support our troops, why are you a communist, why are you against freedom, why can't you be patriotic, you must be with the terrorists, you're killing America" comments from the neocon lurkers...
Roll Call!
I am obsessed with Craigslist
To the fine Brother in Ralph's produce tonight: "you're all good" - w4m
Reply to:
Date: 2006-05-05, 10:53PM PDT
Baby, you were FINE. Nice muscles, beautiful face, mm-mm-good! Brutally handsome.
Me, the booty-ful blonde white chick in the low-rise jeans, burgundy cami and black sweater, I was picking out broccoli crowns and you were rummaging for items around me (sorry, I was so spun, I don't even know what you were picking up - wish it had been ME!)...
I thought I was in your way - okay, maybe I was trying - and you said "S'okay, girl, you're all good... you *know* you're all good."
You were beautiful. End of story.
If you're taken, she's a lucky Honey. That's all I can say.
* this is in or around Tustin - Jamboree Road
* no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Do the people who these ads are directed to ever see these? If anyone ever created a missed connections ad for me I would never go back to wherever they spotted me.
For God Sakes...DUHHH!!!!
Really. They've just only started debating the Democratic Party's vision--or should I say lack of vision--until now? As Maddox would say, "How do you idiots manage to breathe?" I've been talking about this since Bush was reelected. The party needs a nationwide populist platform. The Democratic Party until now have somewhat clear stances on only decisive issues: gay marriage, abortion, illegal immigration. Good for the party to stand up to those issues, but what about the motherf*cking BIG issues? Economy? Foreign Policy? Terrorism? Education? Social Security? People are starving for new ideas. They are desparate to find alternatives to the government that wasn't able to find Osama Bin Laden, stabalize Iraq, and save New Orleans. Absolutely not a single idea on those big issues from any of these f*cking Democrat idiots.
What are these people doing? Oh yeah, I know. I've been watching C-SPAN. They're just standing around, half-assing their debates on Congressional lobbying reform while minority leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are quietly doing press conferences in an empty room. Meanwhile, you got party chairperson, Howard "YEEAHRRG!" Dean, saying the stupid crap that alienates more voters ("I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for..." Way to go, genius. You just lost the moderate Republicans that we need in order to win.) The blind leading the blind, folks.
David Blaine is a failure
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this guy needs to be admitted because he is not really a magician. Magicians creep me out so maybe I'm just biased, but everytime I hear someone say that David Blaine is awesome my heart breaks a little.
"I am humbled so much by the support of everyone from New York City and from all over the world,” Blaine said. “This was a very difficult week, but you all made it fly by with your strong support and your energy."
Monday, May 08, 2006
My Life... in a Movie

Art School Confidential... is totally me. Cept I didn't follow through with my plans to be an artist, like some of my other friends who went to art school and all that. But I always did wonder, what would have happened had I gone through with it. I always got looks and stories of disappointment from family and family friends going, "oh an artist eh?"
It's playing at the Edwards by UCI. I wanna go.
Movie Site for more info.
Why O.C. Hates Mexicans
I thought this was a really good op-ed piece by regular O.C. Weekly writer, Gustavo Arellano, on the general county psyche towards Mexicans. He doesn't argue that Orange County is the only place where people don't like Mexicans, nor does he say all white people hate Mexicans. He just explains why it seems every movement against illegal immigration in this state, like the Minuteman project and the unbelievable Prop 187, starts in Orange County.
He also mentions the fine line between hating illegal immigrants and hating Mexicans. Those people who are very adamant against illegal immigration are really racist. Gustavo said, "And even if immigration stopped tomorrow, Orange County would still look down on Mexicans." I hate slippery slope arguments--the idea that if one thing is true, then the extreme version of that thing also has to be true (i.e. if you allow gay marriage, then you must allow incest). I think people have more sense than that. But for some reason, I think what Gustavo said is true. If illegal immigration stopped to a halt, Mexicans will still be seen as dirty, dumb folk (a sentiment I think exists very prominently south of the 55 freeway).
Every time I hear, watch, or read opinions from those who are hardcore against illegal immigration (like in the O.C. Register Letters to the Editor), it just seems that those people are sadly hanging onto their own nostalgic vision of America. They may say we're losing a lot of taxpayer's money and that illegals are mooching off of us. To me though, it seems that what they're really saying is, "I don't want my money going to brown people" and to an extent, "I don't want brown people here."
Then again, maybe those people aren't racist. They just hate cheaters, like I do. But illegal immigrants cheat not to win, but to survive.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Drunk Girl
I thought this was one of the better recurring characters on SNL. The closed eyes, the annoying high-pitched "ha ha" laugh, slurred speech, and the incoherent rambling. It all seems oddly familiar to us as we've somehow met this kind of person at least once in our lifetimes. Well, at least I have.
Also, his interview on Conan is really funny. Good anecdotes on John Malkovich, Louie Anderson, and Billy Bob Thornton.
Grease Me Up Woman!
Anyway, to things that matter. Last day of play in the English Premiership. That's their football league. That would be soccer. All 20 teams are going at it. Chelsea have already clinched the title, but it is the battle for fourth that makes this a cracking day. Tottenham Hotspur are one point ahead of Arsenal. Both these teams are from North London, they hate each other. Fourth place is the last spot for the Champions League, Europe's premier footie comp, big bucks, best teams in Europe playing each other. Here's the current scenario...
Tottenham win Arsenal win 4th for Tottenham
Tottenham win Arsenal draw 4th for Tottenham
Tottenham win Arsenal lose 4th for Tottenham
Tottenham draw Arsenal win 4th for Arsenal
Tottenham draw Arsenal draw 4th for Tottenham
Tottenham draw Arsenal lose 4th for Tottenham
Tottenham lose Arsenal win 4th for Arsenal
Tottenham lose Arsenal draw 4th for Arsenal
Tottenham lose Arsenal lose 4th for Tottenham
So Tottenham is obviously in the driver's seat. But there are yet more wrinkles. Tottenham is playing West Ham, a team from East London that is playing in the FA Cup final soon, yet another competition English footie teams are involved in. West Ham has nothing to play for in the league and everything to play for in the cup final. They have said they may rest key players for the cup, fielding a weaker team against Tottenham. Advantage Totts. But Arsenal is playing in this year's Champions League final, against Barcelona in Paris. Whoever wins the CL automatically gets a spot in next year's competition. Not only that, if the winning team would not have automatically qualified for next year's CL based on domestic league play, said team takes the spot of the lowest team to qualify from the same domestic league, which would be Totteham if Arsenal doesn't get fourth and the automatic league spot. Advantage the Arse.
You want more drama? This is the last game at Highbury, Arsenal's venerable North London stadium. They have played there since 1913. It is smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood, surrounded by houses. Expansion would have been impossible, so the club decided to move down the road to a new, larger stadium. It doesn't come close, but think of this as game seven of the World Series, Yankees versus Mets, in the last game to be played at Yankee Stadium. Emotional stuff there.
In other news, the battle for second place is also up for grabs between old rivals Manchester United and Liverpool. MUFC is one point ahead of LFC. Second place means automatic qualification for the Champions League while third place means you qualify for the preliminary CL rounds. Win those and you're in the CL proper.
So here are your up to the minute halftime English footie updates, home team listed first...
North London's Arsenal FC 2-2 northwest England's Wigan Athletic FC
East London's West Ham United FC 1-1 North London's Tottenham Hotspur FC
southern England's Portsmouth FC 0-0 northwest England's Liverpool FC
northwest England's Manchester United FC 3-0 South London's Charlton Athletic FC
all in all, a cracking day of footie