Roll Call!
So with my ever increasing boredom and tedium, I find my HFT time increasing as well. And I realize I don't know who some of these people are. Now I can guess on most of all those Judeo-Christian names listed down the right, but some just have me confused. So it's high time everyone stuck their colors to the mast and posted just who the fuck you are. I'll start with me, Parthepan, first name not applicable, FVHS '01, UNC '05 with Poli Sci and Asian Studies, heading off to Penn in the fall most likely, currently in Red China teaching the little bastards to speak the Queen's feckin' English yah, back in July, big fan of sports, books, movies, travel, food, and most combinations of the above. 5'8" and 165 lbs on a good day. Lazy as fuck and don't want to work, really. Brown and black and nothing lighter except my jizz. I like sleeping on trains and New England clam chowder, as well as the Lakers, les Gones, the Heels, probably the Quakers now, and MIGHTY SRI LANKA CRICKET. Who are ya who are who are ya?
Sir! Yes, sir!
napehtrap, at 5/09/2006 9:35 PM
everybody knows me~
Tony, at 5/10/2006 1:27 PM
This is not what I had in mind. I will just have to keep assuming you all are a bunch of fucktards.
napehtrap, at 5/11/2006 1:34 AM
More like a one minute stand kinda way
napehtrap, at 5/14/2006 7:09 PM
Alright, everyone join in on the fun!
napehtrap, at 5/16/2006 11:09 PM
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