Last Call for Alcohol
Drunk Monkeys
I'm not going to post the whole article because that would defeat the purpose of posting the link, but allow me to show you some of my favorite quotes:
Call me stupid, but I'm not entirely clear on why this needed to be studied.
I'm not going to post the whole article because that would defeat the purpose of posting the link, but allow me to show you some of my favorite quotes:
"It was not unusual to see some of the monkeys stumble and fall, sway, and vomit," Chen added. "In a few of our heavy drinkers, they would drink until they fell asleep."
"Like humans, monkeys are more likely to drink after stressful periods, such as soon after the daily 8-5 testing hours and after a long week of testing," said Chen.
Call me stupid, but I'm not entirely clear on why this needed to be studied.
"Call me stupid, but I'm not entirely clear on why this needed to be studied."
Maybe the scientists were drunk.
David, at 5/10/2006 12:39 PM
so whenever men get drunk after work, often tothe point of stumbling, swaying, and vomiting, we can say, "it's just evolution."
and a monkey drinking buddy is uber cool
Tony, at 5/10/2006 1:29 PM
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