This is disgusting.
Has anyone seen those new Oreo commercials with the licking contests? The first one I saw was the one with the little girl and the old lady at the diner. Well there's a new one with cops. It seriously grosses me out so much. I tried to find a screenshot of it on Google, but once again the internet has failed me. Everytime I see that commercial I have to change the channel or look away though. Please tell me I'm not the only one bothered by that image.
It can't be as bad as that cereal commercial, where the little kids were doing "tongue karate." At the end, they were doing pushups with their tongues, as in their tongues were pushing off the ground.
Ron, at 5/16/2006 10:43 AM
Lol. I wish, but alas, no.
Ron, at 5/16/2006 6:14 PM
Pham loves the Do you want a Fanta? ads. He told all of us this when we were all waiting in line to see The Hulk. Remember, David? That time...that you said that
napehtrap, at 5/16/2006 11:13 PM
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