Happy Fun Time

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Embassies on Fire

By now most of you have heard about the Muhammad caricatures "row" (too much BBC), and how a couple embassies are on fire because of it. Yesterday, Google Homepage aggregated an interesting article, and I thought I'd share it here with those who may have missed it. It's an interview with a Danish Muslim comedian (a rare species apparently).

"But surely a cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb-shaped hat is less damaging to the Muslim community than a photograph of a Muslim cutting off someone's head."

I Google. Therefore, I am.

The second coming of our lord has happened, and his name is google.

Come on, after signing up for google talk i decided to do something i don't usually do. I allowed google to customize itself for me, and come on people its the best thing ever. The “How To” section is amazing, everything from “How to sing like a rock star” to “How to home school your children.” easily some of the most useful information on the net. The daily quotes (which I normally hate) are interesting and uplifting on “My google.” News, sports, and e-mail all in one page. Like I said before...

The second coming of our lord has happened, and his name is google.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I Have a Dream

I just watched one of my favorite comedians, Jim Gaffigan, on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. I thought: wouldn't be great if Jim became Conan's sidekick? Conan and Jim, the funniest late night comedy duo ever...and the most pale duo ever.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Burger King Says...

Damn Blue-eyes!

Ok. I was originally going to post something more...serious, but as my first post, it was a bit scary. And so I became apathetic. But I found this in the interim.

"If Aiko becomes the reigning empress, and gets involved with a blue-eyed foreigner while studying abroad and marries him, their child may be the emperor," he told the rally at a Tokyo hall.

Uh, why exactly would that suddenly be a factor if the reigning monarch were allowed to be female? Is Sir Emperor Dong-A-Lot guaranteed to not bone a foreigner? He must have a stronger sense of "duty." Or wait, being a male, he can just be a bastard and ...assign bastardly status to his foreign offspring. While Empress Spread'Em is going to bone anything that moves with blue eyes, right? Why is this? Psst, I'll give you a hint. Asia is comparatively a lot more right-wing than modern western nations; this includes some "dated" views regarding women (and foreigners) over there in general (as hard as it is to imagine for some left-wing people, not all advanced nations have the same values as us).

Being my first post here, I should note I speak a lot with implied generalities. I simply don't have the time to qualify every little detail to make sure everything is PC. Yes, not all right-wing people are like this, and no not all left-wing people are like that. Only pi * mu (liberals) are like that. But in general, conservatives are tools. There, I said it. Flame on, bitches.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Why Do Postal Workers Go Postal?

Ex-Postal Worker Kills 5, Commits Suicide in Goleta - Los Angeles Times

Why does it seem like just postal workers go crazy and kill their employees? It seems like a government experiment to program people to kill. Much like Ricardo Montelban's character in The Naked Gun.

Toothbrush, Toothpaste

There's nothing quite like going to sleep after a late Thursday Silky's and realizing that you have no toothbrush.

There's also nothing quite like waking up Friday morning realizing why you had no toothbrush -- Tammy went to Tuscon a few weeks ago and took the toothbrush she left in my bathroom; which, was the toothbrush I had migrated to after mine got old.

There's also.. nothing quite like being so lazy that realizing on Saturday 3am that the toothbrush will not materialize (sounds disgusting... I did brush my teeth at work on Friday, left a toothbrush there).

So after I woke up on Saturday, after a couple days of unsuccessful attempts of using the tongue scraper and mouthwash and realizing my teeth just didn't feel clean, I went to, of course, Wal-Mart. Mainly to buy socks because I'd gotten too lazy to do the laundry (it's easier buying 4 pairs than washing all the loads that had piled up... wow this post is making me a huge slob).

I came upon the toothbrush aisle, and I usually go for the Firm Reach toothbrush (it's cheap, and firm bristles clean better), but this time the electric disposable toothbrush caught my eye. Of course, when your mind starts to think about buying something you start analyzing the MR/MC value (should I spend $1 more to get the fancier _____? Hey this _____ that's $10 more looks better and will last longer). So yeah, I looked at all the other Sonicare and Oral B $100 toothbrushes, but Wal-Mart had one of those price-slashing smiley faces next to a $20 electric Oral B toothbrush (originally $30). It looked exactly like the $100 one (rechargeable, replaceable heads), so I thought what the heck, I'll try it out.

It was the most amazing thing that has happened to my teeth.

It came with this little tube of Rembrandt toothpaste and man my teeth never felt this clean. I usually floss, brush my teeth, brush my tongue, clean my tongue, mouthwash, but damn... 1 min. of using this toothbrush and my teeth were clean for the whole day! I mean *literally* -- at night I did not feel like I had to brush my teeth (there's the slob in me again).

So yeah, I fully recommend it.

Part 2: Toothpaste.

So remember that Rembrandt toothpaste I got with the toothbrush? It's damn good toothpaste. It tastes/feels like the same kind the dentist uses, and after using up the little tube and figuring out the Colgate Total didn't do the toothbrush justice, I went to buy a tube of Rembrandt. $8.

And that's not the shit of it. When I first used the tube, I had to press out 1/3 of the tube before getting any paste. COME ON~ I didn't get anything out of the tube and it already looked like it was 3 weeks old. Friggen rip off.

But it is good toothpaste. And my teeth have never felt better.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Chinese people eat dogs.

I am currently taking a lower division sociology class called "Immigrants in America." Why am I taking this class- blame it on the major, and the fact that it fits my schedule. I am not proud of taking this class. Shoot me- some of the comments that were made in class were unbearable.

Well, I was pondering about how Alito's judicial nomination could potentially hinder personal freedoms and how he could tilt the direction of the court to provide more power to the executive branch- more power for Bush is bad(typical thing for Political Science majors to do ).
I was engaged in a somewhat intelligent activity in order to avoid listening to the discussions in class that could potentially bring down my IQ. However, I took a break from my reading when my teacher asked the class : "Give me an example of a racial stereotype that we embrace in america. Negative or positive"-

The teacher was asking students in a LOWER DIVISION SOCIOLOGY class to provide examples of negative racial stereotypes? I was suprised, amused, and exited that the teacher would ask a question that would involve students providing examples of negative stereotypes. First of all, this is a LOWER DIVISION SOCIOLOGY class and incoherent and ignorant generalizations in regards to ethnicity and race will be made, and most comments are expected to be borderline offensive.

I recorded some of the comments that were blurted out.
The comments that the students blurted out in class: (these sentances were typed word for word, nothing was manipulated or changed.)

Student: "Lucy Liu, in Charlie Angels plays an asian girl that is excellent in martial arts. She is being portrayed as a negative asain stereotype"
Teacher: But all of the characters knew martial arts

Student: People like to do yoga in the United States, Yoga is a trend that was started by the Chinese.
Teacher: Yoga originated from India.

Student: The boho look is definitely over-rated.
Teacher: Huh?
Student: you know...the look with the long skirt
Teacher: (looks confused)- Oh, yes.

Student: Immigrants are trying to be more american and throwing away their culture by...well...for example, eating more American food, like pizza and stuff.

Student: Yeah, now a days, people are doing henna even though they arent Indian.
Teacher: In otherwords, it is a travesty that individuals here in America use different aspects in different culture as an accessory.
Student: Yeah. Thats what i meant.

I believe that all of these comments that were made in class had the potential of being intuitive and insightful if only they were worded better.

Super Bowl Extra Large

I'm rooting for the Seahawks. West Coast pride, yo.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

What is the deal with the cold

Modern medicine in this world is a wonderful thing. Doctors today can replace a hip, Transfuse blood, and turn a black man into a white women. Yet with so many wonderful medical miracles there is still no cure for the common cold. What the hell is that all about?

Humans have been getting colds ever since the beginning of time, (beginning of time meaning the start of evolution, or when the all powerful God created Adam and Eve) And yet for some strange reason there is no pill, shot, or tea that will cure the cold. We have pills for headaches, nicotine addiction, erectile dysfunction, but yet no modern pill for the common cold. I mean i understand that a cold is not the black death, or malaria, but it still kills hundreds of old people and children each year, and yet the AARP and Child advocates have not lobbied for a cure for the cold.

Maybe its just because i am currently sick, but i feel it has become my American duty to write my congressmen, and senator in hopes of starting some sort of social revolution, in search of a cure.

Who knows maybe one day i will get a Nobel peace prize for this.