Embassies on Fire
"But surely a cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb-shaped hat is less damaging to the Muslim community than a photograph of a Muslim cutting off someone's head."
The second coming of our lord has happened, and his name is google.
Come on, after signing up for google talk i decided to do something i don't usually do. I allowed google to customize itself for me, and come on people its the best thing ever. The “How To” section is amazing, everything from “How to sing like a rock star” to “How to home school your children.” easily some of the most useful information on the net. The daily quotes (which I normally hate) are interesting and uplifting on “My google.” News, sports, and e-mail all in one page. Like I said before...
The second coming of our lord has happened, and his name is google.
Modern medicine in this world is a wonderful thing. Doctors today can replace a hip, Transfuse blood, and turn a black man into a white women. Yet with so many wonderful medical miracles there is still no cure for the common cold. What the hell is that all about?
Humans have been getting colds ever since the beginning of time, (beginning of time meaning the start of evolution, or when the all powerful God created Adam and Eve) And yet for some strange reason there is no pill, shot, or tea that will cure the cold. We have pills for headaches, nicotine addiction, erectile dysfunction, but yet no modern pill for the common cold. I mean i understand that a cold is not the black death, or malaria, but it still kills hundreds of old people and children each year, and yet the AARP and Child advocates have not lobbied for a cure for the cold.
Maybe its just because i am currently sick, but i feel it has become my American duty to write my congressmen, and senator in hopes of starting some sort of social revolution, in search of a cure.
Who knows maybe one day i will get a Nobel peace prize for this.