Happy Fun Time

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Funniest WoW Flash EVAR (next LEEROY)

OMG this is the most hilarious thing, funnier than Leeroy, that's just hit the WoW foroms.

This raid leader is planning/fighting Onyxia, one of the dragons in Warcraft. It's a fairly complicated fight, where you have to listen to the leader otherwise you will wipe (everybody dies). The Wiki for Onyxia is: here (just so you can see pictures of it)

Funniest Flash EVAR

WATCH IT FIRST! (before continuing) (it's slightly NSFW... and it gets kinda loud heh)

(if you get too confused here's a basic description of everything that he's saying, but this isn't the funny stuff =P)

dps = damage per second (basically deal damage)
aggro = the boss attacks the guy who's done the most aggro (damage). Ironically, the highest damage dealers are usually the weakest classes, so basically, you have damage under your strongest class -- the warrior (it gets much more complicated).
DoT = damage over time (spell that does damage over a period of time)
DKP = i'm not sure what it exactly means, but it's a form of currency you get for joining raids and killing bosses, and you turn in for epic drops (boss item drops). 50 dkp is like, a months work of raiding lol.
fear = you lose control of your actions and run around randomly
whelps = dragon babies... iono this is just your usual RPG monster

Waco Part 2 and the Emo Girl

I've seen the articles, now I've seen the "interview."

I think a Second Waco is coming (kidding). And I'm not sure I would really care.

Oh yeah and this: EMO girl puts the EMO in EMO. BIRDS ARE DYING. Is it bad if I was cackling while watching this? Yeah, I think it is. I used to be kind of like that. Waaaay back. "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." Ha. Yeah, right. Then I went through the nihilistic phase where I realized it wouldn't be that farfetched for mankind to rape itself with nuclear fire. People like this chick are sweetly naive. It's kind of sad, in a non-pathetic way. I wonder what would have happened if she had grown up in some war-torn state rather than the U.S. Would she be running and gunning with rebel forces and an AK-47, or would she curl up and die. I imagine I'd probably get shot in the head while peeing in a bush somewhere. What a crappy way to die.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Hooga chaka hooga hooga

I can't stop this feeling... deep inside of me. Girl you just don't realize, what you do me...

It's an oldie, but it's a goodie =)

Beautiful picture (SFW!)

This was on APOD a few days ago. I can't imagine how it must feel like to actually peer into a telescope and see something like this (it was probably taken using exposure, but still, it would be cool if we could see it directly). Two galaxies in the background of some nearby stars.

Link to APOD description

oh my little pony

World's Smallest Horse

"Tips on keeping horses in the house"

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"what the HELL????"

(Edited by David: Sorry, Ron. I have deemed the picture too disturbing for regular publishing.)

Ok this is too bizarre to not post. It makes me laugh.

(NSFW Picture)

And apparently it's real (not a chop). I almost want to think that this isn't "work safe" and that I shouldn't post it but it's so...bizarrely non-Homo sapien sexual (plus we're all adults).

Oh and this is why I have bad vibes about American cars. It's only got 2000 miles on it, and it's *not* a convertible.

Pitchforkmedia -- as stuck up as their reviewers are

I don't know if you guys have ever heard of the music review site Pitchfork Media but overall it's a decent review site.

It's a large "underground" music review site, which is a blessing because MSN music and most of the other review sites like to review things I don't care about (a la the latest Linkin Park album) and don't touch on the obscure bands, and the other review sites that review obscure bands have just as much of a chance of not reviewing the obscure band you like. Pitchforkmedia usually catches them all.

Anyways, I HATE their reviewing system. Their reviewers are a piece of crap. If they're a fanboy, they will rate it high or low, and either talk about how a band is so great, or how a band can never reach the pinnacle they reached with (insert album name here).

They have the habit of throwing out 0's and 10's as often as they can, and everything else hits around a 6 or 4. Californication review "6.8". Radiohead's Ok Computer and Kid A. Both 10's.

Flaming Lips' Soft Bulletin = 10. (Read the review, you will learn NOTHING about the album, only something about how the reviewer broke up with some girl, and somewhere in there he listened to the album and really liked it). Flaming Lips' Zaireeka? 0. WTH?

I like reading Amazon.com and Epinions.com for album reviews, because they usually have several people saying why they like it or why they don't like it, but sometimes I just want a professional, streamlined opinion. I don't get that from Pitchforkmedia. Beautiful site, nice spectrum of reviews, horrible reviewers.

Someone at Jetblue is going to get in trouble...

Go here: http://www.jetblue.com/travelinfo/routemap.asp

Then click any destintation city, doesn't matter which, then... HOLD DOWN SHIFT... And type "pbj" (No quotes). I think someone might be in trouble.

Ok, I guess they deactivated it. What was supposed to happen was a popup movie clip that was secretly embedded in the JetBlue flight map. The movie clip is a Family Guy clip of the dog doing the Peanut Butter Jelly Time dance.


Wipe ass with hand.

I've heard of this before in passing...I wasn't sure what to think (other than eww). Has anyone heard of this rumor before?

I decided to add something of more substance other than just something about "poo."
Here's an article from the Washington Post about the generals criticizing Rumsfeld. Yes, common, ho-hum. This one caught my eye because so far it's the only one I've seen that blatantly ignores Article 88 in the write-up. Of course it kinda made sense when I scrolled down to see who wrote it. Or am I being paranoid?

Edit2: Ok, sorry, I shouldn't have assumed people are up to speed with the whole "Generals criticizing Rumsfeld" thing. Article 88 says that commissioned military personnel shouldn't say negative things about their civilian leadership. DOD Directive 1344.10 applies those same requirements to all the other non-commissioned military personnel. So the Washington Post column just blatantly ignores Article 88 and asks, "Why didn't they say something while they were on duty?"

So Two Bears Show Up...

Those fundie Christians love to make literal interpretations of the Bible. Here's some I would love for them to read and interpret:

2 Kings 2:23-24

23Another time, Elisha was on his way to Bethel and some little kids came out from the town and taunted him, "What's up, old baldhead! Out of our way, skinhead!"

24 Elisha turned, took one look at them, and cursed them in the name of GOD. Two bears charged out of the underbrush and knocked them about, ripping them limb from limb--forty-two children in all!


Deuteronomy 25:11-12

11 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts,

you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Yet more Japanese funnies

Always gives me a good laugh: Recent Engrish pictures.

Yet More Sino Funnies

I can get the BBC again. news.bbc.co.uk is banned in Red China. Used to be able to access it using one of them IP URLs or whatever. That got shut down. Now you just type newsvote.bbc.... to access it. I'm sure it'll stop working soon and something else will pop up. This is a joke. But I have enjoyed this place. Got one more big trip planned for May. Could have just had a big trip because I just had a four day weekend. Of course, I didn't know it was that long until I showed up to class and was told I didn't have it a couple days in a row. Anyway, one more big trip, going to Chongqing, which has the spiciest food in China and has been described in guidebooks as the world's largest toilet. Can't wait

BTW, the article in question...
"Many Tibetan people suggested we should have a statue of Chairman Mao to show our gratitude," a local Communist Party official told Xinhua

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Easter Bunny Hates You!

10.1 grams of trans fat?!?

Fast Food Healthiest in Denmark, Worst in US