Happy Fun Time

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Yet More Sino Funnies

I can get the BBC again. news.bbc.co.uk is banned in Red China. Used to be able to access it using one of them IP URLs or whatever. That got shut down. Now you just type newsvote.bbc.... to access it. I'm sure it'll stop working soon and something else will pop up. This is a joke. But I have enjoyed this place. Got one more big trip planned for May. Could have just had a big trip because I just had a four day weekend. Of course, I didn't know it was that long until I showed up to class and was told I didn't have it a couple days in a row. Anyway, one more big trip, going to Chongqing, which has the spiciest food in China and has been described in guidebooks as the world's largest toilet. Can't wait

BTW, the article in question...
"Many Tibetan people suggested we should have a statue of Chairman Mao to show our gratitude," a local Communist Party official told Xinhua


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