Funniest WoW Flash EVAR (next LEEROY)
OMG this is the most hilarious thing, funnier than Leeroy, that's just hit the WoW foroms.
This raid leader is planning/fighting Onyxia, one of the dragons in Warcraft. It's a fairly complicated fight, where you have to listen to the leader otherwise you will wipe (everybody dies). The Wiki for Onyxia is: here (just so you can see pictures of it)
Funniest Flash EVAR
WATCH IT FIRST! (before continuing) (it's slightly NSFW... and it gets kinda loud heh)
(if you get too confused here's a basic description of everything that he's saying, but this isn't the funny stuff =P)
dps = damage per second (basically deal damage)
aggro = the boss attacks the guy who's done the most aggro (damage). Ironically, the highest damage dealers are usually the weakest classes, so basically, you have damage under your strongest class -- the warrior (it gets much more complicated).
DoT = damage over time (spell that does damage over a period of time)
DKP = i'm not sure what it exactly means, but it's a form of currency you get for joining raids and killing bosses, and you turn in for epic drops (boss item drops). 50 dkp is like, a months work of raiding lol.
fear = you lose control of your actions and run around randomly
whelps = dragon babies... iono this is just your usual RPG monster
This raid leader is planning/fighting Onyxia, one of the dragons in Warcraft. It's a fairly complicated fight, where you have to listen to the leader otherwise you will wipe (everybody dies). The Wiki for Onyxia is: here (just so you can see pictures of it)
Funniest Flash EVAR
WATCH IT FIRST! (before continuing) (it's slightly NSFW... and it gets kinda loud heh)
(if you get too confused here's a basic description of everything that he's saying, but this isn't the funny stuff =P)
dps = damage per second (basically deal damage)
aggro = the boss attacks the guy who's done the most aggro (damage). Ironically, the highest damage dealers are usually the weakest classes, so basically, you have damage under your strongest class -- the warrior (it gets much more complicated).
DoT = damage over time (spell that does damage over a period of time)
DKP = i'm not sure what it exactly means, but it's a form of currency you get for joining raids and killing bosses, and you turn in for epic drops (boss item drops). 50 dkp is like, a months work of raiding lol.
fear = you lose control of your actions and run around randomly
whelps = dragon babies... iono this is just your usual RPG monster
? i don't have any purples =(
that was trial run -dkp
(0 dkp for trial runs)
Tony, at 4/23/2006 1:50 AM
Less funny "haha", and more funny "my God that's sad"
and no, that was not the funniest thing ever.
David, at 4/24/2006 12:41 AM
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