Happy Fun Time

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Wipe ass with hand.

I've heard of this before in passing...I wasn't sure what to think (other than eww). Has anyone heard of this rumor before?

I decided to add something of more substance other than just something about "poo."
Here's an article from the Washington Post about the generals criticizing Rumsfeld. Yes, common, ho-hum. This one caught my eye because so far it's the only one I've seen that blatantly ignores Article 88 in the write-up. Of course it kinda made sense when I scrolled down to see who wrote it. Or am I being paranoid?

Edit2: Ok, sorry, I shouldn't have assumed people are up to speed with the whole "Generals criticizing Rumsfeld" thing. Article 88 says that commissioned military personnel shouldn't say negative things about their civilian leadership. DOD Directive 1344.10 applies those same requirements to all the other non-commissioned military personnel. So the Washington Post column just blatantly ignores Article 88 and asks, "Why didn't they say something while they were on duty?"


  • I've heard of this before, but the original claim is inaccurate. Somebody in the linked thread cleared it up by saying they pour water with one hand while the other hand wiped: "you pour water with your right hand as you are wiping with your left. I know this because I am an Indian as I do this everyday."

    I heard a better explanation from somebody a while ago about this method. They asked if you had feces on your hand, would you just wipe it with tissue and be done or wash it off? Of course, you'll wash it off. So why not wash off your butt?

    The real question is do these people wash their hands thoroughly after washing off their butt?

    By Blogger David, at 4/19/2006 12:42 AM  

  • I wish I could just reply to the authors and say, "Because of Article 88." It seems like their 10 paragraphs of text was a waste of time in light of that, unless I'm misinterpreting something (I'll admit I just started skmming after paragraph 2). What's sad is a lot of people will read their column and think, "Yeah! Why did they wait?"

    By Blogger Ron, at 4/19/2006 12:44 AM  

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