Happy Fun Time

Saturday, February 04, 2006

I Google. Therefore, I am.

The second coming of our lord has happened, and his name is google.

Come on, after signing up for google talk i decided to do something i don't usually do. I allowed google to customize itself for me, and come on people its the best thing ever. The “How To” section is amazing, everything from “How to sing like a rock star” to “How to home school your children.” easily some of the most useful information on the net. The daily quotes (which I normally hate) are interesting and uplifting on “My google.” News, sports, and e-mail all in one page. Like I said before...

The second coming of our lord has happened, and his name is google.


  • Google has become Satan in my mind. I'll still keep using it, of course. But isn't their motto Don't Be Evil or something. Well, they have collaborated with the Chinese gov't to censor sites in China. This happened when I was outside of China, so I don't know who it'll work. Whenever I used Google in China, I was sent to google.cn and then I redirected to google.com. They're saying this is no longer possible. This sucks for two reasons: google.cn is in Chinese, which I can't read; and it's in blatant opposition to their so-called motto. People always bitch about selling out, but whatever. But this is REALLY selling out. Google makes everything free, fine. If they had started charging for some services, people would have bitched, complained, shouted sellout. But this is worse. Not only because the Chinese gov't is a bunch of ruthless cunts, but also because Google said it would always be against said ruthless cunts. How unfortunate

    By Blogger napehtrap, at 2/06/2006 1:41 AM  

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