Happy Fun Time

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas vs. Holiday: Part Deux

You really can't please those fundies. An article written by the Washington Post reported that the Christian Fundamentalists are upset by the official White House "Holiday" card they got from the Bush family.

Joseph Farrah, editor of the horrible "news" website WorldNetDaily.com, said
"I threw out my White House card as soon as I got it."

Fundies are also considering this a "War on Christmas" even though it seems like a war only in their minds.

"Certainly President and Mrs. Bush, because of their faith, celebrate Christmas," said Susan Whitson, Laura Bush's press secretary. "Their cards in recent years have included best wishes for a holiday season, rather than Christmas wishes, because they are sent to people of all faiths."

That is the same rationale offered by major retailers for generic holiday catalogues, and it is accepted by groups such as the National Council of Churches. "I think it's more important to put Christ back into our war planning than into our Christmas cards," said the council's general secretary, the Rev. Bob Edgar, a former Democratic congressman.

But the White Houses explanation does not satisfy groups that have grown in number in recent years that believe there is, in the words of the Heritage Foundation, a war on Christmas involving an "ever-stronger push toward a neutered holiday season so that non-Christians wont be even the slightest bit offended."


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