So, a man walks into a bar...
You won't believe it, but here's what happened during Bach's Bar night:
That last paragraph had nothing to do with what happened with Bach at the bar. That's actually my favorite quote from one my favorite movies: Ghostbusters. In fact, I only put it in there because I didn't think there would be much to write about and I only wanted to fill up space so I can look like I actually wrote an article. Also, David's previous post had quotes and we all know quotes make articles look professional.
Seriously though. It was two and half hours that I could have spent beating Kirby Canvas Curse for the Nintendo DS (which is an excellent game by the way). Instead, we sat there for two and half hours waiting for Bach to do something. Something. Anything. I would have been satisfied with a simple "hello" directed in the general direction of the girls at the bar, but guess what? Nothing! He didn't do anything at all. In fact, he did not even drink much. I mean, seriously, he had two mixed drinks with about an hour between them. That's not really "drinking on a Friday night." That's not even "drinking on a Sunday night."
Of course, we expected this. We all knew Bach was not going to do anything. Yea, that's right. we knew it and we wasted two and half hours (that I could have spent beating Kirby Canvas Curse for the Nintendo DS!) to let Bach fulfill his perfect scenario. He wanted the hip club/bar and we gave it to him. The result? Nothing. Bach spent the entire night "walking the club" about four times and sitting there staring at us. Tammy and Eleana spent the entire night futiley trying to get him to do something. David, Tony, Brandon (friend of Eleana's) and I spent the night trying to make conversation by shouting at each other (interestingly, Tony has reached the part in World of Warcraft where he needs to start joining guilds to be able to beat most quests). That's it.
Here's the finale: why did we waste so much time? Part of it was to show Bach that going to a club/bar is not the best place to find the kind of girl he desires. Mostly? I would say it was mostly because of the fact that he blamed us for his social shortcomings. I believe we were most irked by the fact that he blamed his inability to find/meet girls on his friends. I'm not saying that we're the "coolest" or the "hippest" people out there. We're just a bunch of guys that like hanging out and relaxing. We're not the type of people that like going to "hip bars" to pick up on strange girls that may or may not be (but are most likely) superficial and shallow (hose beasts, as David so delicately puts it).
So, please, don't blame us for your inability to meet girls. We don't blame you for the birth of Hitler.
"Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!"
That last paragraph had nothing to do with what happened with Bach at the bar. That's actually my favorite quote from one my favorite movies: Ghostbusters. In fact, I only put it in there because I didn't think there would be much to write about and I only wanted to fill up space so I can look like I actually wrote an article. Also, David's previous post had quotes and we all know quotes make articles look professional.
Seriously though. It was two and half hours that I could have spent beating Kirby Canvas Curse for the Nintendo DS (which is an excellent game by the way). Instead, we sat there for two and half hours waiting for Bach to do something. Something. Anything. I would have been satisfied with a simple "hello" directed in the general direction of the girls at the bar, but guess what? Nothing! He didn't do anything at all. In fact, he did not even drink much. I mean, seriously, he had two mixed drinks with about an hour between them. That's not really "drinking on a Friday night." That's not even "drinking on a Sunday night."
Of course, we expected this. We all knew Bach was not going to do anything. Yea, that's right. we knew it and we wasted two and half hours (that I could have spent beating Kirby Canvas Curse for the Nintendo DS!) to let Bach fulfill his perfect scenario. He wanted the hip club/bar and we gave it to him. The result? Nothing. Bach spent the entire night "walking the club" about four times and sitting there staring at us. Tammy and Eleana spent the entire night futiley trying to get him to do something. David, Tony, Brandon (friend of Eleana's) and I spent the night trying to make conversation by shouting at each other (interestingly, Tony has reached the part in World of Warcraft where he needs to start joining guilds to be able to beat most quests). That's it.
Here's the finale: why did we waste so much time? Part of it was to show Bach that going to a club/bar is not the best place to find the kind of girl he desires. Mostly? I would say it was mostly because of the fact that he blamed us for his social shortcomings. I believe we were most irked by the fact that he blamed his inability to find/meet girls on his friends. I'm not saying that we're the "coolest" or the "hippest" people out there. We're just a bunch of guys that like hanging out and relaxing. We're not the type of people that like going to "hip bars" to pick up on strange girls that may or may not be (but are most likely) superficial and shallow (hose beasts, as David so delicately puts it).
So, please, don't blame us for your inability to meet girls. We don't blame you for the birth of Hitler.
I don't want to make this a "let's bash Bach thread," but if he expects to do this hip club/bar thing for a while, then he needs to find more friends that are into that. The bar was loud and crowded. It gave me a headache.
David, at 12/03/2005 2:03 PM
I wonder if I can publish a comment here ...
But yes, the bar/club is not where you want to meet a nice girl. Or if you do want to, at least try to go to a classier bar! I don't like that bar ... and I wanted to leave out of hunger (Robert did too).
Eleana, at 12/03/2005 7:51 PM
that's why you gotta go to world-famous electronic clubs in hollywood with avant-garde dj's spinning the newest artistic electronic music :)
Tony, at 12/05/2005 1:53 AM
and yeah, most quests nowadays require more than 1 person. cool part is i've made a lot of eFriends (eWarcraft friends... or... eNerd friends) running around. In the middle of a quest I just finished some guy was doing it too and he ended up giving me some armor to wear too =)
Tony, at 12/05/2005 1:55 AM
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