Happy Fun Time

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Kuro5hin.org: A site with a lot of stuff

Well, since we're on the topic of posting interesting websites, Kuro5hin.org is one of my favorite websites. It is actually a lot like what we have right now; except that it opens the posting and commenting to anyone who registers. It allows individual users to have their own blogs while being able to also post articles on the larger "community" blog. "Good" articles are bumped to the front page (where "good" is defined by community voting) while "Bad" articles fall below the queue and only appear in their respective sections. The site is actually very democratic in this regard.

Mind you, a lot of the subject material here is pretty heavy handed. A lot of the users like to write mainly about politics and technology. Some of it is very conservative and some of it is very liberal (as far as American politics go, anyway). My favorite recent articles are a still running series by an American contractor in Iraq (don't worry, he just fixes things). You can read his stuff here (vol 1), here (vol 2) and here (vol 3). Personally, my favorite section is the Fiction Section. It is a place where the members can, of course, post their short stories. Through this section, I was able to find the short story "Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect." If you're into science fiction and the implications of "humans getting everything they need," then I think you'll enjoy this story as well.

Of course, I'm not a member. I do not think I would be able to handle the sharp criticisms that a lot of the writers get from their fellow members. I do, however, read a lot of the articles. I like to read up on new ideas and opinions. Its collaborative blogging at its best: moderated by a community that actually cares about the community. I really do hope HFT will become something like K5: vibrant and robust.

Good Night, and Good Luck.


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