Happy Fun Time

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Not so Zesty

Here is an idea: let's take everybody's favorite quesadilla and, instead of cheese, use cheeze whiz. Hmm, it seems to be missing something. Oh, I know. Let's add some mayonnaise, relish, thousand island and a heart attack. We shall call this new super "sauce": Zesty Sauce.

I have to say, Taco Bell's "zesty sauce" is quite possibly the most digusting thing I have ever had the misfortune to taste. Of all the times I have had the zesty sauce in my quesadilla, I have always immediately regretted it afterwards. It is like eating a pound of cheese and then having a bowl of mayonnaise right after. Its also an unnatural orange color with chunks of pickle in it. Yum.

Who were the adwizards that thought of that one?


  • Seriously. How can one ruin a quesadilla? It's just fucking melted cheese and tortilla? Don't had shitty mayo on it and call it "Zesty Sauce."

    By Blogger David, at 12/08/2005 2:10 AM  

  • Dude, Tapatio is the fuckin' bomb. 100x better than Tabasco. The Tap has flavor. Tabasco is just spicy sour shit.

    By Blogger David, at 12/08/2005 11:16 AM  

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