Happy Fun Time

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Producers

Since a lot of posts on here are about movies, I'll try my part. I haven't seen a movie in a theater (or theatre for you Anglophones out there) since coming to China. But a couple weeks ago, I did manage to buy thirty DVDs for about twenty-five bucks. Not bad. I haven't gone through all of them yet, but the few I've watched are perfect. The only gripe I have is that you cannot turn off the subtitles (or sous-titres for you Francophones out there) on most of them. Tonight, I plan on killing time by watching Gandhi. A few of the films are foreign films, so those might be a disaster if I can't find the English subtitles.

Anyway, regarding The Producers. They made the original film, not a musical, in 1968. Then they made a Broadway musical out of it a few years ago. And now they've made a film musical out of the Broadway musical. Does this count as a remake? But my real question is this: Why not do this with all films? Turn all great non-musical films into musicals. Gone With The Wind. Citizen Kane. Casablanca. And then maybe make classic musicals into non-musical films. West Side Story. The Wizard Of Oz. The Sound Of Music. They might have to change the title of that one. How about The Sound Of Nazi-Occupied Austria?

Wait, what? You think that's the dumbest idea ever? Why? Isn't that what they're doing with The Producers? Pretty much. But it's Hollywood. Trends. The only reason movies like Rent and The Producers are being made is because of the success of Chicago. And vice versa. A musical version of The Lord Of The Rings? Thanks, Lion King.

I don't know what this ramble is about. It's pretty much bemoaning a lack of creativity in the industries that are supposed to entertain the masses. This means the masses are stupid. Read a goddamn book, you stupid masses. Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for the musical, film or Broadway, version of Schindler's List.


  • True that. The past few years, Hollywood has been depending on sequels and remakes of TV shows. Come, on. Did we really need a Bad Boys 2???

    Also, I read the new Producers movie isn't all that great.

    By Blogger David, at 12/16/2005 3:29 AM  

  • Heh, see if you can find the new Producers on DVD in China already.

    By Blogger Tony, at 12/16/2005 6:01 PM  

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