Happy Fun Time

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Office Depot Brand Stinks

I'm working on graduate school applications this month. So I went to Office Depot to get some mailing envelopes. I'm standing there in front of 10 brands of regular envelopes. Hmm, what's a good brand? Heck, Office Depot brand envelopes has to be good. I mean, Office Depot specializes in office supplies. If it sucked, the whole Office Depot name would be tainted. So I got the box of Office Depot envelopes.

I get home and take a handful out of the box as I'm preparing to send letters of recommendation materials to people. You know, the back of the envelope has a bunch of seals to keep the envelope together. I noticed one envelope had a loose seal near the corner. I pulled at it gently and the whole thing fell apart. Shoddy gluing. Then I took another envelope and it had the same thing. About 6 of them were the same until I found a few good ones.

Great...now I'm worried that my mail is going to fall apart in the post office machines. Thanks, Office Depot!!!


  • it's just the chinafication of the world. You should see the Chinese tape we get from our suppliers, it's way too sticky and they put like 5 layers on to make it strong. The Scotch shipping tape we use is at least 20 times stronger.

    By Blogger Tony, at 12/13/2005 4:54 PM  

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