ESPN = Sports, not movies
ESPN is showing their widely hyped movie, "Codebreakers". It's about some West Point scandal where football players cheated on tests because they were failing, and it's supposed to represent atheletes everywhere that cheat to pass their classes, because they're too dumb to pass or because they're practicing 8-10 hours a day (you know Who knows that I don't study 8 hours a day).
Anyways, I haven't watched this movie, and I won't. Why ESPN? It's 12:50am, and I want to see sports highlights, and maybe a fun sports game. Sportscenter is my CNN. If I wanted to watch a movie, I'd watch HBO.
The actual CNN is too depressing, and the same old things are always going on. Some bill passes, some bill doesn't. Liberals vs. Conservatives. Religious vs. Athiest/Agnostics. Some new science breakthrough. Some train derailed in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Burma, or Rochester, and x number people died, and 58*x people were injured. And the world goes on.
If something's important enough, they'll be talking about it for at least a week, and chances are I'll catch it on Google news or that random time I turn the channel to see some hot Asian lady on Headline News. (or those times Tammy watches Anderson Cooper)
Anyways, I haven't watched this movie, and I won't. Why ESPN? It's 12:50am, and I want to see sports highlights, and maybe a fun sports game. Sportscenter is my CNN. If I wanted to watch a movie, I'd watch HBO.
The actual CNN is too depressing, and the same old things are always going on. Some bill passes, some bill doesn't. Liberals vs. Conservatives. Religious vs. Athiest/Agnostics. Some new science breakthrough. Some train derailed in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Burma, or Rochester, and x number people died, and 58*x people were injured. And the world goes on.
If something's important enough, they'll be talking about it for at least a week, and chances are I'll catch it on Google news or that random time I turn the channel to see some hot Asian lady on Headline News. (or those times Tammy watches Anderson Cooper)
Speaking of hot anchors...Melissa Theuriau...French news anchor.
David, at 12/13/2005 12:06 PM
And yes, ESPN movies suck. I mean...what was that other movie that just came out about running? "3 Minutes?" That sucked.
David, at 12/13/2005 12:08 PM
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