Happy Fun Time

Thursday, May 04, 2006

What would Jesus watch?

MovieGuide.org is a website that allows ratings and reviews of movies currently out in the box office so that parents can make family-friendly decisions on movie watching. I suppose this website helps the morons out there--the same morons who would resort to Dr Phil for advice on being a human being. If you're going to take your kid to a rated PG/R movie, do you really need a reviewer to break down and list every questionable scene in a movie that could negatively influence your child (eg, someone gets punched, attempted kiss, fast racing car, number of swear words organized by severity, "psychiatrist violating professional oath", "the villain getting away with a crime", etc)? Do you really need someone to tell you that Basic Intinct 2 is not family-friendly?

Moreover, I don't like the Christian spin on it. And oh yes, boycott the DaVinci Code, it says, since your Christian devotion won't be able to stand up to any presentation of alternative dialogue. Then proceed to cover eyes, ears, and mouth and pretend like the real world doesn't have any "bad things" and that it is static.

"Movieguide is a ministry dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media according to biblical principles, by influencing entertainment industry executives and helping families make wise media choices."

Check out their glossary of questionable content, including feminism, evolution, globalism, humanism, capitalism, anticapitalism (a tool of personal envy--so you're basically screwed with either stance on capitalism), and political correctness.

Then proceed to abide by proper biblical principles and put women in their place. If you acknowledge women at all, you might be advocating the DaVinci Code.

And your child is Ralph Wiggum.


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