Archaeology vs Parking Lot
Spanish city builds parking lot over ancient Roman city. Wow.
They discovered a well-preserved Roman forum, bath house, gymnasium and temple as well as dozens of private homes and hundreds of mosaics and statues — one of them considered to be among the finest found.
But now the bulldozers have moved in. The last vestiges of the lost city known as Colonia Augusta Firma Astigi — one of the great cities of the Roman world — have been destroyed to build an underground municipal car park.
No comprendo. What do you mean by speaking WoW? About games? Or do you mean stuff like, "teh pwn" and "I ownz0r j00," more properly known as "l33tspeak" ? If the latter, many people often use it in a mocking, sarcastic fashion, as is probable with Andre's comment above. And many people don't as well. ROFLCOPTER!!!!!1!111oneone.
Ron, at 5/04/2006 11:36 AM
In the case of Kathy v. Andre: it is the court's decision that Andre's minimal use of "leet" speak is proper within context (as to mock the Taliban's draconian laws). Nonetheless, "leet" speak usage on the Happy Fun Time website should be kept at a minimum as to ensure easy readibility for all users.
Chief Justice David
David, at 5/04/2006 11:37 AM
I just realized that you misspelled "readability." R3s3rv3d ir0ny.
Ron, at 5/04/2006 2:12 PM
David, at 5/04/2006 2:44 PM
lesser? l33tsp33k = glory of teh intarwarb
Tony, at 5/04/2006 3:02 PM
Anybody getting a headache yet?
David, at 5/04/2006 3:06 PM
It was done in amusement, and you're the only that truly got worked up about it. Fin.
Ron, at 5/08/2006 10:36 PM
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