I am Asian
Usually, I don't give a rat's ass about racial issues, but the whole McDonald's exotificizationalizing and Asianificationalization of their foods is pissing me off. Eat this nasty potpourri combination of nuts and vegetables (edamame, snow peas, red bell peppers, mandarin oranges, toasted almonds and mixed greens)--with sesame dressing--for an Asian salad that will promote a healthy well-balanced existence because all we Asians have got our yins and yangs balanced like the yogi master.
"We're Asian and Pacific Islander Americans and our diverse cultures and our everyday American lifestyle are becoming one." - McDonald's um Oriental blurb about their hot new Asian salad
Do any of you Asians out there frame pictures of the good luck kitty?
Spanish and English ad/logos for the Asian salad
Note that in the ad, the Spanish ad says "Find the flavor, encounter something exotic," whereas in English, it says "Seek flavor, find harmony." Buenisimo, soy persona exotica.
"We're Asian and Pacific Islander Americans and our diverse cultures and our everyday American lifestyle are becoming one." - McDonald's um Oriental blurb about their hot new Asian salad
Do any of you Asians out there frame pictures of the good luck kitty?
Spanish and English ad/logos for the Asian salad
Note that in the ad, the Spanish ad says "Find the flavor, encounter something exotic," whereas in English, it says "Seek flavor, find harmony." Buenisimo, soy persona exotica.
What I'm more concerned about is the Neon light Boba thing in the corner ...
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on who you ask), the fact of the matter is that a lot of America these days view asians as mysterious and exotic beings. We're the magical yoda-like gurus of today.
That or we're Kung Fu kicking masters.
Robert, at 5/01/2006 10:45 AM
Wow. Actually the updated site is a lot better. It used to have pictures of dorky asians all sitting around having a wonderful time eating McDonald's, like it was the ultimate hang-out thing to do.
But then I highlighted the dog at the new site. LOL. Wow. That is bad.
Ron, at 5/01/2006 12:06 PM
Oops. For those without audio, it's a guy with a fobby accent saying, "Year of the dog! Year of the dog!"
Ron, at 5/01/2006 12:07 PM
Heck...I'm not even mad. I'm impressed!
David, at 5/01/2006 2:40 PM
They used to have ones for the latino and black communities, but I can't find them anymore (though they didn't have their own unique urls).
Here's the last remnants of the original (scroll down). Basically picture David, leaning back against the wall, tired from Asian Activities, with a burger in his hand, cackling. The screenshot doesn't do justice on how lame their effort was.
Ron, at 5/01/2006 2:48 PM
Btw, Eric thinks your cute, Kathy. Cute and smart.
Ron, at 5/01/2006 6:13 PM
Happy Fun Time: Home of Love Connection
David, at 5/01/2006 6:48 PM
Yeah, it was more like *bow-chika-bow-bow* "I wanna show her a happy fun time." Oooh yeah, baby, oooooh yeah.
Ron, at 5/02/2006 12:43 AM
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