This appears to be a copy of another (successful) attempt which was exactly the same.
The original was at
It doesn't appear to be up anymore, which is kind of sad. I saw it before it hit 2 million, and it was increasing at about 10k unique hits per minute. Poor girl. She gave him a year to do it, and he got most of his hits in a 2 day period.
To all HFT contributors: Please fill out your Blogger profile and make it public. Don't be a stranger.
Good grammar, punctuation, and proper capitalization are encouraged on HFT. sO dOnT tYPe lIk aN AzNpRinCEss!1! loLz ok bUhbyE MUAH!
Promote HFT!: What's the point of writing a blog if nobody will read it? Promote HFT by placing links to on your IM and MySpace profiles.
This appears to be a copy of another (successful) attempt which was exactly the same.
The original was at
It doesn't appear to be up anymore, which is kind of sad. I saw it before it hit 2 million, and it was increasing at about 10k unique hits per minute. Poor girl. She gave him a year to do it, and he got most of his hits in a 2 day period.
Ron, at 4/27/2006 8:48 PM
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