Level 12 Boss: Amoeba Simulator
Since I haven't lately been able to find much to write about , I think I'll just do little bits of articles related to gaming and other geek stuff for now. I'll try to find links to games and stuff so you guys can be as unproductive at work as you want. Let's set up some kind of schedule. Say, three times a week. How's that sound? Is that OK? Three times a week? Monday ... Wednesday ... Sunday?
Something Awful recently did a post on some independent freeware games. In particular, I found Flow to be delightfully addicting. The basic premise is that you're a microscopic organism and you eat your way to the top of the food chain. Now before you say anything, its a lot like how Will Wright's Spore starts out, but its just not as grand in scale. All in all, the game plays like Pac Man on steroids. You swim around and eat things while other bigger things try to eat you. You can try to eat the big things, but its best not to try until you've at least gotten a little bigger. After you get to the last "level" (eating little red and blue creatures move you up or down in the levels of ... "liquid") and beat the last "boss" type creature, you start over as another creature with different attributes. I think you repeat that a few times (I'm not too sure since I had to stop playing because I was at work). Its amazingly addictive and refreshingly fun.
Why can't there be more games like this?
Something Awful recently did a post on some independent freeware games. In particular, I found Flow to be delightfully addicting. The basic premise is that you're a microscopic organism and you eat your way to the top of the food chain. Now before you say anything, its a lot like how Will Wright's Spore starts out, but its just not as grand in scale. All in all, the game plays like Pac Man on steroids. You swim around and eat things while other bigger things try to eat you. You can try to eat the big things, but its best not to try until you've at least gotten a little bigger. After you get to the last "level" (eating little red and blue creatures move you up or down in the levels of ... "liquid") and beat the last "boss" type creature, you start over as another creature with different attributes. I think you repeat that a few times (I'm not too sure since I had to stop playing because I was at work). Its amazingly addictive and refreshingly fun.
Why can't there be more games like this?
"delightfully addicting"
By Tony, at 4/28/2006 9:26 PM
I played Flow...and then I 5 minutes later I was bored. But yeah, it is cool.
Spore looks insanely badass.
By Ron, at 4/28/2006 9:54 PM
Btw. Gametunnel.com reviews nothing but indie titles. I've played a number of them. Some are quite good. And some of course are quite shitty.
By Ron, at 4/28/2006 10:59 PM
Oh wow, that GameTunnel site is pretty cool. Heh, looks like I've got more time wasters for work.
By Robert, at 4/29/2006 1:49 AM
I played it for a while. I wish I could save it. Is the game complete or just a sample?
By David, at 4/30/2006 8:45 PM
I believe its done. In fact, I do believe its someone's graduate thesis...
By Robert, at 4/30/2006 8:56 PM
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