Happy Fun Time

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Rush Limbaugh: "Earth is Indestructible"

Robert RoyBritt at LiveScience Journal has posted a blog about a response Rush Limbaugh made to a previous LiveScience article entitled "Top 10 Ways to destroy the Earth."

From the article:

"He found LiveScience’s Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth and, after reading much of the presentation (hurl our planet into a black hole, blow it up with antimatter, and other pretty difficult schemes), rightly concludes that it’s virtually impossible for us to annihilate this world. He goes on to say that this is reason enough to go ahead driving your SUV and running your air conditioner, because you can’t destroy the planet by your actions."

Truly astounding. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I'd say at best he's only being about 25% facetious. It strikes me that he's essentially saying "go ahead and destroy your body as you see fit, because it's virtually impossible that you'll die in a plane crash." With his recent drug problems maybe that's exactly what he believes.


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