Yeah, those four were definitely not as good as the rest. There were only 13 episodes this season, and I saw 1-9 before Friday. Even those were way better than 10-14. But yeah, it seemed very rush. It was like there were trying to do so much in the last four episodes so they could wrap up the storyline.
With AD, the writers and the creator, Mitch Hurwitz, write with a whole season in mind. Getting a notice that your episode order is cut to 13 really screws up your plans. At one point in season 3, they summerized an entire different plotline in the first minute of one episode. I had a feeling they wrote that plot as an episode, but cut it down because of the 13 episode production limit.
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Yeah, those four were definitely not as good as the rest. There were only 13 episodes this season, and I saw 1-9 before Friday. Even those were way better than 10-14. But yeah, it seemed very rush. It was like there were trying to do so much in the last four episodes so they could wrap up the storyline.
With AD, the writers and the creator, Mitch Hurwitz, write with a whole season in mind. Getting a notice that your episode order is cut to 13 really screws up your plans. At one point in season 3, they summerized an entire different plotline in the first minute of one episode. I had a feeling they wrote that plot as an episode, but cut it down because of the 13 episode production limit.
David, at 2/11/2006 12:21 PM
I actually liked the last 4 episodes...
Tony, at 2/13/2006 2:18 PM
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