Angels Win Name Dispute Against Anaheim
Jurors reject Anaheim's claim in Angels name change dispute - MLB - Yahoo! Sports
Personally, I was on the side of the Angels. The Angels stayed true to the word of the contract which said the name Anaheim would be included in the team's name. No where in the contract said that Anaheim would be the only city named.
As for the general criticism that it is stupid for the team to have two cities in its name, I admit it's silly, but I support it wholeheartedly. If team owner Arte Moreno had his way, he would have changed the entire name to just Los Angeles Angels, without the Anaheim (I know it means "The Angels Angels," but "Dodgers" and "Lakers" don't make any sense in LA either.). However, he's legally bound to have Anaheim in the team's name. Thus, the whole silliness of "The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim."
So why add LA to the name? It's all about advertising. Moreno built his fortune on the advertising business and he's using his talent to market his team and make more money. He wants to connect the team to the second biggest media market in the country. TV advertisers will pay more for ads during Angels broadcasts if they know more LA residents are watching the game, which they are. The LA moniker reminds advertisers that the Angels are part of this huge media market. Moreover, advertising the Angels as a "showtime" team, like the LA Dodgers, NY Yankees, or Boston Red Sox, makes them more popular. Thus, more merchandising revenue and more ticket buyers. In the end, it's all about getting more money to create the best team possible. Granted, money doesn't equal a championship (Yankees, anyone?), but it really helps.
This whole name case is also part of this recent movement in Orange County to differentiate itself from LA and portray the county as something unique.
This movement is futile. No matter what, we're always near LA, thus we're part of it. I've been around the country in the past and everytime somebody asks me where I'm from, I simply say LA. Saying anything else, like Orange County, will either draw a blank stare or questions about The OC, which I know little about.
While shows, like The OC (yuk) and Laguna Beach (yuk), have given Orange County some popularity, it means little because I doubt many OC fans outside California know where Orange County is located geographically anyways. They'll probably know that it's close to LA, at least.
The fact is Orange County, as a whole, is not any more unique than any other county in Southern California. Every county in Southern California has its opulent, upper-class communities (even in Riverside!). And every county has its "ghettos" (which are populated by any combination of dirty Mexicans, fobby Asians, lazy Blacks, and White Trash). So get over yourself, Orange County. Nobody knows where you are on the map.
Personally, I was on the side of the Angels. The Angels stayed true to the word of the contract which said the name Anaheim would be included in the team's name. No where in the contract said that Anaheim would be the only city named.
As for the general criticism that it is stupid for the team to have two cities in its name, I admit it's silly, but I support it wholeheartedly. If team owner Arte Moreno had his way, he would have changed the entire name to just Los Angeles Angels, without the Anaheim (I know it means "The Angels Angels," but "Dodgers" and "Lakers" don't make any sense in LA either.). However, he's legally bound to have Anaheim in the team's name. Thus, the whole silliness of "The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim."
So why add LA to the name? It's all about advertising. Moreno built his fortune on the advertising business and he's using his talent to market his team and make more money. He wants to connect the team to the second biggest media market in the country. TV advertisers will pay more for ads during Angels broadcasts if they know more LA residents are watching the game, which they are. The LA moniker reminds advertisers that the Angels are part of this huge media market. Moreover, advertising the Angels as a "showtime" team, like the LA Dodgers, NY Yankees, or Boston Red Sox, makes them more popular. Thus, more merchandising revenue and more ticket buyers. In the end, it's all about getting more money to create the best team possible. Granted, money doesn't equal a championship (Yankees, anyone?), but it really helps.
This whole name case is also part of this recent movement in Orange County to differentiate itself from LA and portray the county as something unique.
This movement is futile. No matter what, we're always near LA, thus we're part of it. I've been around the country in the past and everytime somebody asks me where I'm from, I simply say LA. Saying anything else, like Orange County, will either draw a blank stare or questions about The OC, which I know little about.
While shows, like The OC (yuk) and Laguna Beach (yuk), have given Orange County some popularity, it means little because I doubt many OC fans outside California know where Orange County is located geographically anyways. They'll probably know that it's close to LA, at least.
The fact is Orange County, as a whole, is not any more unique than any other county in Southern California. Every county in Southern California has its opulent, upper-class communities (even in Riverside!). And every county has its "ghettos" (which are populated by any combination of dirty Mexicans, fobby Asians, lazy Blacks, and White Trash). So get over yourself, Orange County. Nobody knows where you are on the map.
I agree. I will always view OC as a suburban part of the LA area. We can't even come close to Newark, New Jersey or Gary, Indiana. Those cities can at least claim a different state. And I ask you, people, do you really want to be classed with Newark and Gary? One less R and that would be Gay, Indiana. One thing I don't agree with. I think Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County is one of the best shows to come out in years. A bunch of idiot kids sitting around a gossiping. Sounds like the real OC to me.
napehtrap, at 2/10/2006 5:37 AM
And yet it was mentioned in our history book at FVHS.
Ron, at 2/11/2006 9:59 PM
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