Alright, I thought my William Hung post was pretty dumb, but I found something dumber. This music video makes me want to laugh and yell out in anger at the same time. It's sort of a happy anger...
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By Tony, at 3/17/2006 3:33 PM
right click - open in new window
(p.s. - what's the html command for that? i just used the a href /a)
By Tony, at 3/17/2006 3:34 PM
At Pacific Crest, we used Terri Shaivo as a verb.
After going through a long rehearsal block without a water break...
"Dude, I'm totally shiving here."
Translation: "I'm dying of thirst."
/going to hell
By David, at 3/18/2006 3:03 AM
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