Manna vs. Mana
OK, manna and mana are two different things, but have similar meanings (it all connects with the spiritual and divine). Manna is pronounced "MAN-uh" while mana is pronounced "MA-nuh." Interestingly, each word has very different etymological origins.
The More You Know: Duh-Do Do Dooooo
From the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary:
Main Entry: man·na
Pronunciation: 'ma-n&
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Greek, from Hebrew mAn
1 a : food miraculously supplied to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness b : divinely supplied spiritual nourishment c : a usually sudden and unexpected source of gratification, pleasure, or gain
2 a : the sweetish dried exudate of a European ash (especially Fraxinus ornus) that contains mannitol and has been used as a laxative and demulcent b : a similar product excreted by a scale insect (Trabutina mannipara) feeding on the tamarisk
Main Entry: ma·na
Pronunciation: 'mä-n&
Function: noun
Etymology: of Polynesian origin; akin to Hawaiian & Maori mana mana
1 : the power of the elemental forces of nature embodied in an object or person
2 : moral authority : PRESTIGE
The More You Know: Duh-Do Do Dooooo
the correct spelling of mana, is "mana" =P
Tony, at 3/03/2006 2:21 PM
at least in WoW
Tony, at 3/03/2006 2:23 PM
which, ironically, is prounced mah-na, but in WoW the characters pronounce it "man-uh". And as always WoW is the measure of all things good. Worship it, for it is our gaming savior
Tony, at 3/03/2006 2:27 PM
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