Stir the Ranks
Activities That Might Prove More Practical Than Cleaning My Gas Mask Once a Month as the Army Suggests.
For some reason, discontent among the troops like this makes me feel much better.
I hope he makes it back alive so he can raise hell about why he almost died in the first place.
For some reason, discontent among the troops like this makes me feel much better.
I hope he makes it back alive so he can raise hell about why he almost died in the first place.
That must explain your affinity towards Jarhead.
Ron, at 3/02/2006 10:07 PM
For some reason, my favorite character from Jarhead was Jamie Foxx's character...the career infantry soldier. I connected with him the most--the idea that there's a lot of shit you have to go through, but the experience makes it so awesome. Yeah...
David, at 3/03/2006 2:45 AM
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