Happy Fun Time

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Boring Boring Singapore

I have to be quick. Only a few minutes left for me to use this free internet here at Singapore's Changi Airport. I got in at 2 p.m. and my next flight leaves at 10:45 p.m. I did this on purpose so I could go into town and check out this little city-state. I was prepared by others for it to be boring and it was. Clean and neat and not much going on except business and a few ethnic neighborhoods. But this goddamned awesome motherfucking airport makes up for it. One thing I forgot to realize about Singapore is the humidity. I was soaked three steps after getting off the metro. This place is an oven. But now I'm back at the airport. Where I just had a lovely shower. Goodbye, sweat. After the shower I received a complimentary drink. Now I'm using free internet. Maybe I'll go catch a movie after this, also free on the airport big screen. Or hit up one of the many bars around, a few with live music. Or shop a little. Like I said, this place rocks. More than makes up for the silly city it's in. Worth staying a little longer just for itself. Peace out, homebodies. I want a Stella. Although my last beer at the airport experience, in San Francisco, makes me weary. Don't want to miss my flight while using the pisser. Then again, maybe I do. Tom Hanks should have been stranded here. It's a life of luxury. And Singapore Airlines starts it before you get here. I flew economy from Hong Kong to Singapore. That's probably like a domestic L.A. to S.F. flight, short and often. What was this flight like? Free wine. A choice of a half dozen meals reflecting different parts of the world. Free wine. A little ice cream with a Danish name for dessert. Free wine. A choice of almost a hundred movies, plus TV shows and music for entertainment. I wonder what first class on flights across the Pacific are like if this supreme service was local economy. Asia knows how to do it. Honestly, this is good capitalism. Instead of cutting services and prices, increase both. People complain more about how they're treated than about price. Increase prices a little and try to increase service as much as possible and people will come back. These are what business travelers want, cost is not an option. And dirty Sri Lankans will be more than happy to make use of it all. Again, replace flights to Vegas and Orlando with flights to Aspen and Martha's Vineyard. Get rid of the cheapos who would be lost in a place like Changi.

The preceding was written while the author was on a luxury high. He will probably return to his bitchy asshole self when he returns to Shouguang, the asshole of China he likes to bitch about.


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