My dad... on Jews
First off, let me just proclaim that my dad is somewhere between delusional and/or pathologically deceptive.
So, for my mom's English class, she's learning about Machiavelli's The Prince, namely the credo that "the end justifies the means" for ruthless rulers. My dad gives my mom historical examples of such acts.
He starts by telling my mom about Hitler and the Jews.
He says that nobody likes the Jews (historically, of course) and says that is because the Jews are too smart and they are feared. Out of the 4 million Jews alive at the time (where did that number come from?), 3 million of them had library cards, and that demonstration of intelligence was very intimidating to the Europeans.
He goes on to say how successful the Jews are, being only doctors and lawyers, and thus they have a lot of money. (Insert his beaming Asian love for money.)
Next, he explains to my mom the Jewish child's first rite of passage. I was about to cringe at the thought of a circumcision conversation with my disturbingly repressed mother, but nope, this is what he said:
"A Jewish child is presented with two items, one of which is money. If the child chooses the money, then the parents are proud and he has passed the rite."
(insert a "wtf?" smiley)
Anyways, yeah, that is an example of the dribble that constantly comes out of my dad's mouth. I didn't bother to correct him because he would just call me ignorant and his "sources" were beyond my understanding. I told my mom to just forget everything he said, but knowing her, she doesn't retain anything she learns anyways.
So, for my mom's English class, she's learning about Machiavelli's The Prince, namely the credo that "the end justifies the means" for ruthless rulers. My dad gives my mom historical examples of such acts.
He starts by telling my mom about Hitler and the Jews.
He says that nobody likes the Jews (historically, of course) and says that is because the Jews are too smart and they are feared. Out of the 4 million Jews alive at the time (where did that number come from?), 3 million of them had library cards, and that demonstration of intelligence was very intimidating to the Europeans.
He goes on to say how successful the Jews are, being only doctors and lawyers, and thus they have a lot of money. (Insert his beaming Asian love for money.)
Next, he explains to my mom the Jewish child's first rite of passage. I was about to cringe at the thought of a circumcision conversation with my disturbingly repressed mother, but nope, this is what he said:
"A Jewish child is presented with two items, one of which is money. If the child chooses the money, then the parents are proud and he has passed the rite."
(insert a "wtf?" smiley)
Anyways, yeah, that is an example of the dribble that constantly comes out of my dad's mouth. I didn't bother to correct him because he would just call me ignorant and his "sources" were beyond my understanding. I told my mom to just forget everything he said, but knowing her, she doesn't retain anything she learns anyways.
Racist Fun Time?
David, at 2/22/2006 11:57 PM
The argumentative style used by your dad seems very similar, if not exactly the same, as my dad's style. Especially the part where he literally pulls statistics out of his ass and creates a "fun fact" about a people that he knows nothing about. Granted, my dad isn't as bad in terms of racism, but, yea, way to similar there. I'd give you a "+1 rep point of understanding" if I could.
Robert, at 2/23/2006 12:56 AM
And if he chooses the other, what happens? And what is the other item anyway?
Ron, at 2/23/2006 2:44 PM
Bacon. I'm guessing that its bacon and in the instance where the baby does choose bacon, then the baby is treated as an outsider. They call them "Golems." Yea, I'll go with that.
Robert, at 2/23/2006 4:44 PM
now you see why happy fun time becomes cynical fun time =P
Tony, at 2/23/2006 8:04 PM
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